Immediate Matrimony

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Our agent is authorized by county of the state of California to issue marriage licenses immediately and as an ordained minister can perform the civil matrimony.

MISSION DOC PREP makes the whole process of obtaining marriage license without the need to appear in person at the County Clerk’s office. No stress and no appearance. Our agent is authorized by the County Clerk to issue Confidential Marriage Licenses in the State of California. With us, you get your marriage license and can get legally married pretty much immediately and long as you meet the requirements mentioned below.

You can literally come into our office single and leave married in about 30 minutes. You are legally married the same day without the need to visit the county clerk or any other state office beforehand.

Complete Confidential Marriage service with License is $600
Includes all document preparation, costs, fees, and postage as follows:.

  • Confidential Marriage Application & License of the state of California
  • Notary Public Acknowledgments (x2)
  • County Clerk fee for Confidential Marriage License
  • Application for Certified Copy of Marriage License
  • Notary Public Acknowledgment (x1)
  • County Clerk fee for Certified Copy of Confidential Marriage License
  • Marriage officiant service

No witnesses are required to perform your marriage so it can be an intimate ceremony for just the two of you, or you can invite friends and / or family to celebrate your union. We can issue your marriage license and get you married at the same time. Available by appointment 7 days a week.

We also provide mobile matrimony service if you prefer our agent come to you. We bring the license to you and officiate the marriage the same moment and you are legally married the same day.

We invite you to have your matrimony officiated your civil matrimony at our office, but we can also officiate your marriage at your home, in any park, hall, or anywhere you choose. We can officiate your wedding anywhere in the state of California. Locations may include, but are not limited to, restaurants, the beach, your home, a hospital, jail, etc.


  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • You Live together; and
  • Have a valid identification

Both parties must physically appear together before the Notary Public to apply for the marriage license (FC 359, 501). This appearance can be in our office or we can provide a mobile service to your location.

Both parties must present authentic, government-issued photo identification acceptable to the County Clerk’s Office as to their name and date of birth (FC 354) The following valid forms of identification are:

  • Driver’s license
  • State identification card
  • Identification of military service or dependent of military
  • Certificate of naturalization
  • Passport
  • Alien Registration Card (Form I-551)
  • Identification card issued by the US government or other country

The international driver’s license is NOT an acceptable form of identification.

No blood test is required and your immigration status does not matter.

Office Hours
Monday11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Tuesday11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Wednesday11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Thursday11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Friday11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Saturday12:00 PM — 2:00 PM

We sometimes step out of our office for a mobile service. If we are closed or temporarily out of our office, our live operator is available to take your call, text, or email, at all hours of the day or night, seven (7) days per week.

If you are ready to visit us

schedule an appointment here!

Contact us directly for off-hour meetings, special requests, or short notices. Everything is possible. We are able to accommodate whatever you need of us to make it happen.